If you are looking for an easy and inexpensive holiday gift you can make yourself I'm here for you! It can be easy to get wrapped up in the consumerism of the holiday but what if we take a step back and go simple. Not only will you be reusing things to make your candles, but you will also be gifting something from the heart. When you make something yourself, it can mean so much more to the person receiving it than you realize, not to mention when things are tight, you can make some great gifts for just a few dollars.
You only need a few materials, but the main ones will be your vessel of choice, wicks, beeswax, and scent if you want to use it. There are a few ways you can go with the beeswax. You can get the blocks which will have to be cut into pieces or you can use a grater. A better option is to buy the beeswax pellets. They melt much faster, and you don't have to worry about breaking down a block of wax. This is what I got from Amazon.

Once you have your pellets, you want to find a heatproof container to melt your wax in. I used this metal pitcher that came in a candle making kit, but I have also used a glass mason jar to melt wax.

You will be melting your wax on the stove top so fill a pot with some water and bring to a boil. Add your container of pellets to the pot. I turn the heat down once it reaches a boil to about a slow boil to steady simmer. Stir it occasionally to help the wax melt. Your water level should be about half way up the sides of the container.

While your wax is melting you can prepare your jars. Here I used two small mason jars and two glass yogurt containers. The possibilities are practically endless on what type of container you use. As long as it can be subjected to heat it should work. All you need to do is attach your wicks to the bottom of the jars. Typically there is a small adhesive pad you attach to the bottom of the jar and then just set your wick on top of the pad and press to adhere. Keep your wicks long for now.

When your wax is melted and the wicks are in place, it's time to pour the wax into the jar. Leave some headspace at the top of your candle to burn it safely. In the candle making kits you will find a metal piece with some holes in it. This is to sit on the top of the jar and hold your wick up and centered. If you don't have this, use a pen or pencil and wrap the wick around the pencil a few times and let the pencil lay on top of the jar.

Now comes the part where you can bring in your creativity. If you decide to add scent to your candles, wait until the wax is starting to harden. If you add your scents while the wax is too hot the scent will just burn off and you will be wasting expensive oils. I prefer to use essential oils to scent my homemade candles. It's a great non toxic alternative to artificial fragrances. You can find some great diffuser recipes online to give you some ideas on how to scent your candles. I decided to do an orange spice scent for the holidays so I added tangerine, orange, and a spruce essential oil. Add as little or as much as you want and then gently stir them in. I also add a half of a dried orange and whole allspice which will also add some good fragrance. Add these items when the wax is hard enough to hold them up. If you have pets, keep in mind some animals may be sensitive to certain oils. Always use caution or consult your veterinarian before using essential oils.

When your wax has fully hardened go ahead and trim the wick. You may add any lables that you would like as well to your jar. All that is left is to package it up and put it under the tree! Make sure to keep one for yourself. Every time you light it you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor and remind yourself that you can be creative and make really great things with your hands.
We would love to know if you make this project and what scent you chose for your candle. Comment below!
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