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Fun and Easy Christmas Craft Ideas

Writer: Simple Joy BoxSimple Joy Box

Sometimes the best craft projects are the easy ones! With not a lot of time or money you can create a Christmas paper craft that will be the perfect gift or a great addition to your holiday decor.


Paper gift bag

Frame with Glass Front

Construction or Stock paper

Glue Stick

Small set of battery-operated string lights (15 count should be enough)

craft project materials frame, paper gift bag, small set of string lights

  1. First, decide what part of your gift bag will be used in the frame. Then trace and cut both your bag and construction paper to size.

    picture frame with paper christmas bag
    tracing construction paper to fit the frame

  2. Glue your construction paper to the back of the gift bag.

    glueing construction paper to the back of the paper gift bag

  3. Poke small holes in the back of the bag to allow light to show through where desired.

    punching holes in the paper gift bag

  4. Using glue dots or tape, glue your light bulbs over the holes in your paper bag.

    glueing lights to the back of the paper gift bag

    5. Once your lights are in place where you want them, simply put the frame backing on. You may need to tape it if the lights don't allow you to keep it in place. Glue or tape your battery pack to the back and you are all done!

    framed paper gift bag with lights

    We kept ours more subtle, but as you can see you can make your holes as small or large as you want. You may decide to highlight the Santa hat or even use some red lights for Rudolph's nose. Use your imagination and creativity to craft the perfect holiday gift or decor.

Another fabulous idea for Christmas crafts is shadow boxes. Did you get our November box Christmas Crafts'giving and need some ideas for your shadow box? You can read our blog here about the contents of that box. Here are some ideas that we completed to inspire you.

Don't be intimidated by these projects—they are fun and super easy! We would love to know what crafts you like to do for the holidays or DIY decor. Tell us below.

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Simple Joy Box is all about helping you slow down and savor the little things—one curated box at a time. We take the stress out of finding your next favorite hobby by introducing fun new ways to express yourself and sprinkle more simple pleasures into your daily routine. Ready to dive into the slow-living lifestyle? Head over to our website to learn more, and don’t forget to sign up for our email list so you never miss a blog or a fresh idea!

christmas paper craft, frame gift bag and lights


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