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Vision Board Tips, Supplies, and Ideas for Manifesting Success

Writer: Simple Joy BoxSimple Joy Box

Updated: Feb 24, 2024

Are you the set-and-forget type of person with New Year's Resolutions? What if there was a better way, would you be interested? The best way I've found to achieve goals is to use a vision board. There is no right or wrong way to create a board. It can be done physically or digitally, although for myself I prefer the physical board because if I know myself, I will create a digital board and then forget about it. Instead, I have my board which I will see every single day. We have created a vision board guide with tips on how you can use the power of a vision board to visualize your goals.

Vision Board Basics

So you may be asking what is a vision board? A vision board is a tool used to help you manifest and achieve goals or dreams that you have for yourself. It's a fun tangible representation of the vision you have for yourself. Here are some of our vision board tips, supplies, and ideas for manifesting your goals.

Keep in mind your board is very personal to you, so it can't be made by anyone else. Seeing your dreams or goals in front of you every single day helps to remind you of what you are working for, and what you need to do to make these things happen. It's a form of manifesting what you want. Sadly, I will tell you that you can't just put pictures of a beach house or a Porsche on your board and it will magically appear. But, it will help you with goal setting, visualization, and manifestation.

stones depicting vision, love, faith, family, success

Getting Started

To get moving there are some vision board supplies you will need.

  1. Bulletin board, poster board, or any medium you prefer to attach your images to.

  2. Scissors

  3. Glue, tape, or push pins

  4. Magazines, images printed from the internet, or catalogs

  5. Your goals and dreams

If you decide you want a digital board, you can find vision board templates on Canva, Pinterest, or other websites. You must utilize these websites to get your images pinned to your digital board. I find that Pinterest is great for finding almost any image you can imagine.

vision board supplies- scissors, images, push pins, bulletin board, tape
Vision Board Supplies

Set Your Intentions

Before you get started, it's important to think about what you want on your board. Think about things such as your dream car, vacation, job, fitness goals, money goals, or even DIY projects. You want to be clear-headed and create the perfect mood, because after all these are important things you want to achieve. It's ok if it takes you some time to gather your thoughts before you start. This is also about intention setting which is different than just setting a goal. Intention setting is about being purposeful in achieving your desires.

Designing Your Vision Board

When you are ready to get started, take your time choosing your images and words for your board. Choose the ones that resonate with you and make sense for what the theme of your board is. Your image selections should center around your theme and not be all over the place. You can make more than one board if you are having a hard time focusing on one theme, but if you are just getting started I would just do one to begin.

cutting images out of a vision board book
Choosing your images

Once we have all of our images and words gathered together, we want to create some kind of design to bring it all together. This is where your creativity can come into play! You can use things like washi tape, and decorative push pins to make it look great. You want to make sure it's pleasing to the eye so that you want to look at it. If it's a cluttered mess you won't want to look at it very often. You can overlap images or words if you need to, just make sure it looks pleasing. Make sure you add your personality to your board as well! This isn't a generic project, this is all about you!

vision board book, push pins, bulletin board
Think aesthetics when creating your vision board

Activate Your Vision Board

Now that you have your vision board completed, it's time to activate! To want to interact with your board every day! Not necessarily talk to it, unless you want to of course, but you need to look at it every day. This keeps your goals at the top of your mind all the time. You will find opportunities may present themselves and that is when you say YES! It may be small but that is ok. Everything starts somewhere. There is truth in the saying the Universe will provide. Just remember it is not handed out for free. You must put in the work and everything will fall into place.

As you start to evolve, you may find that some things need to change on your board, which is normal. Some people even suggest making a new board every 6-12 months to keep on top of your changing goals. I would suggest keeping photos of your boards as you go along to see your progress and how much things change from board to board along the way. Just make sure to have fun along the way, but also challenge yourself a bit too. You can't grow if you stay in the same place.

I have just finished creating my vision board and my focus on this board is my business success that will lead to more financial independence. Time is also very important to me because it's here and gone before you know it. My bucket list of visiting every state is a work in progress and with the help of my vision board everything will fall into place. I would love to hear about your vision board experiences!

Simple Joy Box is a curated subscription box designed to help you embrace the art of a slow-living lifestyle one month at a time. We take the guesswork out of finding your new hobby by introducing new creative habits that allow for more self-expression and create more simple pleasures in your day-to-day life. If you are ready to start your slow-living lifestyle, visit our website to learn more about us, and join our email list to stay up to date on our blogs.


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